


Chairperson and Non-Executive Director

Appointed to the Board in 2023

Jacques Li Wan Po is a Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountant (UK).  He is the Chairman and Managing Director of the Jacques Li Wan Po Group of companies.  He is a Director of the Bank of China.  He was previously an independent director on the board of the Bank of Mauritius and was also a member of the Monetary Policy Committee. He was previously the Vice Chairman of the Medine SE Co Ltd. He is a Fellow of the Mauritius Institute of Directors.


Non-Executive Director

Appointed to the Board in 1995

Georges Leung Shing holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and is a Chartered Tax Adviser and a Fellow Chartered Accountant. He was the Senior Economist of the Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture (MCA), Executive Chairman of Lonrho and Illovo Mauritius and Managing Director of Omnicane Limited. He is a former Chairman of the MCA and the Mauritius Institute of Directors (MIoD) and its Audit Committee Forum (ACF), the Chairman of the Review Committee of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) and has served as Chairman/Director of companies in the Banking, Commercial, Construction, Energy, Hotel, Industrial and Insurance sectors and of the Mauritius Sugar Syndicate, Stock Exchange of Mauritius and Sugar Insurance Fund Board. He is presently a Non-Executive Director of Pharmacie Nouvelle Ltd and a member of the MIoD ACF and Directors' Forum.


Non-Executive Director

Appointed to the Board in 2011

Catherine Ahnee-Gouérec holds a Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées (DESS) d’Affaires Internationales and a Maitrise d’Economie Appliquée of Université Paris IX-Dauphine, France. After a few years as Consultant at Price Waterhouse (Mauritius) she joined the Eclosia group (formerly Food and Allied Group) as Economist at Management and Development Company Ltd in 1993. She was appointed at Les Moulins de la Concorde Ltée in 2008, where she is currently Corporate and Communications Manager. As such, she contributes to projects and marketing strategy and is also in charge of corporate communication and CSR activities. Former chairperson of MEF Provident Association (MEFPA) and member of the Women Directors Forum of the Mauritius Institute of Directors and trustee of the Eclosia Group Pension Fund, Catherine Ahnee-Gouérec is a board member of JA Mascareignes.


Non-Executive Director

Appointed to the Board in 2014

Tahen holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and started his career as a Physics Teacher. He served as Adviser in 1992 to the Minister of Finance and as Senior Adviser from 2005 to 2010 where he contributed in the formulation and implementation of national economic policies, capacity building, national economic empowerment programme and corporate social responsibility framework. He is a former Chairman of SICOM Group and Mauritius Institute of Directors and has been a Director of the State Investment Corporation Ltd, the Mauritius Duty Free Paradise Ltd, the National Equity Fund, the Real Estate Investment Trust, and a member of the Gambling Regulatory Authority and the Financial Reporting Council. He is presently the Chairman of AXIS Fiduciary Ltd and special Adviser to the Multi-Act Realty Enterprises Ltd.


Independent Non-Executive Director

Appointed to the Board in 2020

Fabrice Parsooramen is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA) and started his career in 1997 in the audit department of De Chazal Du Mée. He thereafter worked as Financial Controller for the VLH Group (previously Veranda Resorts) and Cogir Ltée (subsequently amalgamated into BCE Ltd). He is a past Manager of MDIT from 2010 to 2012 and was previously acting as its Company Secretary on behalf of JLP Company Secretarial Services Ltd. He was the Chief Financial Officer of Ducray Lenoir Group between 2017 and 2023. He is currently the Head of Finance of Rogers Capital Credit.


Executive Director

Appointed to the Board in 2022

Dick holds a BSc Honours in Business Administration and Computer Science in the UK and is a Fellow of the ACCA. He has more than 20 years’ experience in accounting and industry. He was formerly a member of the boards of ABC Banking Corporation Ltd and of Prime Ebony Fund, a collective investment scheme, respectively. He was the Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee of Prime Ebony Fund and a member of the Investment Committee.


Independent Non-Executive Director

Appointed to the Board in 2023

Cyril holds a BSc in Physics from the University of Manchester and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales. He is a non-Executive Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Bank One Limited. Prior to this, he was a non-Executive Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of ABSA Bank (Mauritius) Ltd. He was also an Executive Vice Chairman, Chief Compliance and Risk Officer and Finance Director of Barclays Bank Mauritius. He is a Fellow of the Mauritius Institute of Directors and is an Independent Non-Executive Director of ABC Motors Company Ltd, Avanz Growth Markets Limited and Sanlam Africa Core Real Estate Investments Limited.