Board Committees
In line with the Code of Corporate Governance of Mauritius (the Code), the Board of MDIT has established the following committees to assist it in its decision-making process and help it to carry out all its duties and responsibilities.
Audit and Risk Committee
Corporate Governance Committee
Investment Committee
Each Committee acts accordingly to clearly defined terms of reference approved by the Board and reports to the Board on matters discussed at Committee meetings. The Chairperson of the Committee informs the Board of Directors any matter which it should be made aware of.
Audit and Risk Committee
The Audit and Risk Committee, has been set up to provide a link between the Board, internal audit and external auditors and is also responsible for the Company’s Risk Management function. The Committee is composed of non-executive Directors. Its responsibilities include reviewing the appropriateness of the Company’s accounting policies, assessing the effectiveness of the internal control processes, reviewing the annual financial statements before their submission to the Board, discussing the results of the external audit process with the external auditors, and with the support of the internal and external auditors directing the Risk Management function.
The members of the Audit and Risk Committee are:
Cyril Wong Sun Thiong (Chairperson)
Fabrice Parsooramen
Corporate Governance Committee
The Corporate Governance Committee is committed to the best practices of corporate governance and also acts as the Nomination Committee for any senior officer proposed by its CIS Manager, Golden Fund Management Services Ltd (GFMS). The need for a nomination committee and a remuneration committee does not arise since the Company is managed by GFMS and does not have any employees.
The members of the Corporate Governance Committee are:
Catherine Ahnee-Gouérec
Georges Leung Shing
Jacques Li Wan Po
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee has been set up to ensure that the major investments made are in line with the Board’s strategy and to address risk issues. It also assures proper liaison with the Fund Managers responsible to look after the Company’s interests overseas and considers avenues which may give opportunities for growth.
The members of the Investment Committee are:
Georges Leung Shing
Cyril Wong Sun Thiong
Jacques Li Wan Po